Monday, September 19, 2016
Rubble is a noun that describes waste or debris
from the demolition of buildings in the form of stone, brick, and/or concrete. After saying U.S. “generals
under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have not been successful,” and that
under their leadership “generals
have beenreduced to rubble, reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our
country” during a
media extravaganza produced by NBC, Republican presidential nominee Donald
Trump has been deluged with criticism for his assertions. Unfortunately criticism aside, there
is both truth and merit to his statements whether the word used was rubble or
definition rubbish is something very bad, worthless or useless, it means that
something has lost its utility (the state of being useful, profitable, or
beneficial). If one looks at how the military leadership has been rendered
impotent (utterly unable to do something for lacking in
power and strength) he is correct. Since Obama began his term in 2009, with
respect to the U.S. military and armed forces, one thing has been clear – he
has removed more of the top military leadership brass than any president in
modern times. Let us just look at his record to start with. Since taking
office, high ranking
military officers have been removed from their positions at a rate that has
never been seen before by a U.S. President. In fact it is somewhat
reminiscent of what we have just observed Erdogan do in Turkey. One report notes
that President Obama has removed or purged the military of at least 197 top admirals and generals
in his first five years.
Obama fired Rear
Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group,
for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide
intelligence for” military forces ordered into action by Gen.
Carter Ham. By the way, Gen. Ham. was also relieved as head of U.S. Africa
Command after only a year and a half because he disagreed with orders not to
mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
Then there
is the strange issue of President
Obama’s approach to defeating
the Islamic State. It is well documented that President Obama
typically silences any general that advises the use of US groundtroops in Iraq. The Whitehouse has done this publically and behind
closed doors. His consistent mantra, regardless of the advice of those with
military and combat experience is that the US
will not fight another ground war in Iraq nor will he put US boots on the
This albeit US commanders inform him that
it is improbably that the United States military will ever be able to defeat
ISIS via air power alone. Gen.
Lloyd Austin was the top
commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East and Gen.
MartinDempsey was the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2011 to 2015 both advised President
Obama that ground troops would be required t defeat ISIS. Yet still, any advice
offered that didn’t match Obama’s political aims (not military aims) were
rejected, in particular the use of ground troops. Instead, President Obama
unilaterally decided that he knew better and would only send an additional 475
U.S. troops to assist Iraqi and Kurdish forces. Even General Austin’s
predecessor, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, said Obama’s decision not to
send ground troops basically makes the mission to defeat ISIS improbable.
It is true Obama had to reduce the number
of troops on the ground in Iraq, but namely because he failed to even try to
argue against the levels outlined in the 2008 Status of Forces
Agreement with Iraq. At the
time there were around 45,000 U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and generals on the
ground had requested a reduced number but did not foresee the military's
troop-level going below 10,000. But such a number was too high for the Obama
administration which preferred a number closer to 3,000,
which meant that this was never a combat mission but rather served a training
only commitment.
The same can be said for the mission in
Afghanistan as well. It is well know that the Afghan military do not have the
necessary combat troop levels and power to protect every part of the country
let alone to be in the position to effectively
counter the Taliban. Gen. Martin Dempsey replacement, Marine Corps General
Joseph Dunford during his
confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, stated that he
didn’t agree with Obama’s decision to pull all troops out by the end of
2016. His purview was that such a troop reduction seems to place policy
over military implications.
This has been noted by several military
experts. Retired Army Gen. John Keane, who devised the 2007 Iraq troop surge
and has advised Afghan commanders in the past question Obama’s approach to
Afghanistan as well as Army Gen. John Campbell, the top NATO commander
in Afghanistan, among
pointed outthat Gen. Campbell wanted
to retain the current force of 9,800, but Mr. Obama “cut that in half,” adding
that President Obama frequently “does not listen to his combat field general,”
and on six occasions ignored “field commander recommendation on force levels
for troops in combat.” And like ISIS, the Taliban is becoming more brazen and
powerful while claiming more area without any real push back from the Afghan
security forces or police.
In addition, Obama’s plan will have
to depend on an unlikely assumption: that the formation of an inclusive Iraqi
government under Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi can manifest. This is the
only way President Obama will have a 1 percent chance of defeating the Islamic
State without U.S. troops being on the ground. In addition, this means
that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will have to make significant inroads into
healing sectarian wounds that were engendered by Nouri al-Maliki. But bringing
the new Shia-led government to a Kumbaya
moment with Iraq’s
Sunni minority may proffer to be a lot more difficult and could result in Sunni
tribesmen moving towards ISIS instead of away from them. This approach is not
only mousy and incoherent; it also involves serious risk (mainly having to
depend on an incompetent and dysfunctional Iraqi military).
So Donald Trump may be more accurate than
some may desire. When the President fires, without hesitation, top Brass the
likes of the aforementioned, and never even considers firing or disciplining
appointed member of his staff when they break the law, there has to be some
additional motive and or reasoning behind such. Obama. The question is why
deliberately reduce or military leadership to rubbish?
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Yes, Our Generals Have Been Reduced to Rubbish Rubble is a noun that describes waste or debris from the demolition of buildings in the form of stone, brick, and/or concrete. After saying U.S. “generals under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have not … Read More
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