Now how can I say
this? Mr. President, respectfully, I ain’t your bich and I could give a hoot
about your legacy. And if I may keep it 100, in all honesty your legacy don’t
amount to feces for any black person in America, with the exception of cats
fortunate enough to have landed on the payroll of your administration and
In general, even if
you are not black, Bureau of Labor data notes that folks you claim to care
about the most and structure your economic policy around to assist in the
lowest income brackets, have suffered the most under your presidency. But this
all makes since by my understanding of basic math for poor job growth and a
sharp reduction in labor participation rates can only have one result – the
reduction in real household income.
Now it appears as
if you have a few additional problems with your legacy. Between you and the
Federal Reserve bank trying to paint a rosy picture of the U.S. Economy
(although it is not a sign that the labor market is improving when it is being
filled-up by part-time jobs and cats holding more than one of said part-time jobs), your administration just ran an additional $587 billion budget deficit for the past fiscal year (about a 34% increase). Mr. President we both know
that artificially low interest rates, if they continue will only result in one
outcome – hyperinflation. Frankly, the majority of this political dysfunction
is at your feet and remains a real threat to the viability of the U.S. economy.
Don’t take my word
for it, a recent study entitled "Problems Unsolved and a Nation Divided" published by your Alma mater, Harvard University confirms my observations.
The research indicates that your economic policies are basically serving to
leave many Americans behind in the prosperity your policies have provided for
the top 1 percent. The authors also note that the U.S. economy under your
leadership has as continued to wane in the aftermath of the financial crisis of
2007-08. From their perspective, most of this is a consequence of failed
leadership in the economic realm and a lack of an economic strategy from the
federal government because the administration’s sole policy is to leave all
economic policy decisions to the Federal Reserve via monetary policy alone.
This means that our main problem is that job creation (the fact that job
creation has failed to recover to the levels experienced prior to the financial
crisis of 2007-08).
So again, Mr.
President, I’m not your bich and you don’t have the authority to order or beg
me to vote for you bottom bich. I am neither
your slave nor your trick – I don’t get down like that.
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