As expected, black politicians have lined up in like they were camping out to
get the latest IPhone or new pair of Yeezies to endorse her. It as if by doing
such and showing your loyalty to master, she will let you move into the big
house as a reward for being faithful to the Clintons. This was the way it was in 1992.
In 1992 when black folk put Bill Clinton in office in
addition to some theatrics of his own (playing the saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show and walking up to an American citizen during the debate to answer
questions directly), African American communities across America in rural and
urban areas were suffering and had been devastated economically. If one is old
enough to recall, one reason for this was Bill Clinton’s ability to say things
to the black community that he would say in opposite to white communities. On
the same day in the morning Bill Clinton would be singing Lift Every Voice and Sing at a NAACP or black Baptist church meeting and later on that night
speaking to a room full of Dixiecrats tell them how he was willing to be tougher
on crime and make our cities safer than republicans ever could.
Bill, the democrats, the service economy, big banks, Wall
Street and the average white American won but not black folk, we got the shaft.
The late 1980s and early 1990s was a period of mass losses in factories across
the nation and the diminution of U.S. manufacturing. All because big corporations were moving abroad
as a consequence of globalization and in search of cheaper labor and fewer
regulations. This continued at an even
larger scale and greater pace with Clinton as President.
So what Bill Clinton supported from a policy perspective was
what democrats in large urban areas had been supporting for the prior 50 years
- discriminatory laws that keep black and poor people in their place while
extracting lifeline resources that serve to sustain people during times of
economic hardship. But this wasn’t enough for him; he had to go even beyond
Next the Clinton Administration eliminated Pell Grants for
prisoners seeking higher education to prepare for their release and overtly
supported laws that would make it easier for public-housing agencies to deny
shelter to anyone with any sort of criminal history.
So all I am asking is what have the
Clintons done to keep black folk voting for them other than belong to the
Democratic Party? Why
do impoverished Black people living from paycheck to paycheck support Hillary
The housing bubble that precipitated the crash that created
the Great Recession was done mostly on the backs of people of color. The
bankers who profited from preying on the black communities got bailed out to
the tune of trillions of taxpayer dollars; their victims mostly lost their
homes. The perpetrators were never even indicted by the Obama administration,
which had been tight with Wall Street from jump.
The simple truth is that Black
Americans have been voting for the Democrats consistently for more than the
past forty years and we have little if anything to show for it with the
exception of a few Attorney Generals, a President, and a museum. Why, because
economically, we have been shown but fail to acknowledge that the economic
positions of the democratic clearly elucidate it as being the party of the
affluent white collar white and no one else.
I take it these basic public
benefits are the aspects of Hillary Clinton’s policy that excites you and her
base – have at it. Personally I deserve better and much, much more.
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