Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Last week President
Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks in Beijing. Although only in office for less than four months, Duterte's words
and actions have managed to disrupt the traditional Washington and Manila subtleties
and have actually added some spice to President Obama’s last few months in
office not to mention his Asia strategy or pivot which was
supposed to mark a shift in American foreign policy from the EU and Middle East
to the Asian Pacific rim nations.

President Obama began this effort somewhere around the time
he had become embroiled in Syria and had failed to keep his word regarding a“Red Line” in the region. More
specifically we can point to the report from the June 2013, the Asia-Pacific
Strategy Working Group at the American
Enterprise Institute called
Securing U.S. Interests and Values in the Asia-Pacific
that was submitted jointly to congress and the Whitehouse (in my view, the
brainchild of Robert Kagan (Director of the Foreign Policy Initiative) and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and
Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell).
geopolitical terms all bull shi* aside, the pivot has mainly been implemented
because the neocons in the Obama Administration and elsewhere inside the
beltway know that all of the Pacific Rim and Southeast Asian nations wants a
better relationship with China, and the U.S. must do all that it can to keep
China second fiddle to American interest. Moreover, it is imperative that the
U.S. attempts to keep a major presence (policy wise and militarily) in hand
with respect to our relationship with China -- which continues to become more
complex economically and in terms of national security as we progress through
the future. With the recent changes in policy perspectives regarding Duterte, this all seems to show that the
Obama Administration wasn’t playing with a full house or flush but was rather
bluffing and it only took Duterte's recent statements to bring all of this to
the surface.
So far there has been no official word from Obama's Whitehouse
or Department of State on where we stand with respect to this so-called Asian
pivot. Some may consider the newly elected president’s actions strange
given the footing his nation and the Chinese have had over the past decade – in particular
actions related to access for Filipino fishermen to Scarborough Shoal, which China seized in 2012. According to reports the meetings focused on economic aid to the Philippines and coming up with a more productive manner in which to
address and deal with the South China Sea issue with respect to territorial
disputes and avoiding confrontations with the 10-member Association of
Southeast Asian Nations.
actions make it very difficult for Obama and the US, if America wants to
maintain U.S. forces at Philippine military bases. But if Duterte's statementsare accurate when he asserts that he would prefer to end all and any future military cooperation with the U.S., the so-called Asian pivot is now more like a
moon walk. Duterte also publically stated his desire to have all U.S.counterterrorism troops out of his country not to mention his disdain for
Obama having the gall to be critical on his war on drugs and crackdown on drug
dealers and users. One could say President Obama brought all of this on his
self when Duterte approached him during a dinner at a regional summit in Laos
and Obama sent him to meet with another subordinate member of his White House staff.
I don’t
claim to know much about President Duterte but I am somewhat knowledgeable of
Filipino history; as too is Duterte like many children that recall the history
of collective oppression under the thumb of imperialistic and colonial foreign
rule the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and William McKinley. The U.S. had always desired to take territories in the area of the South pacific and our occupation
of the Philippine Islands occurred after the Spanish-American war of 1898-99
when we took the island nation from Spain after Admiral George Dewey sailed
into Manila harbor in 1898 with a fleet of American vessels and destroyed the
Spanish ships anchored there.
Obama’s failure in dealing with President Duterte can simply be reduced to
Obama’s lack of knowledge about how deep the historical anti-American sentiment
is for 99 percent of the Filipino people; how they will never forget the first American soldiers landing in the Philippines in 1898 and how President WilliamMcKinley wanted to seize the entirety of the archipelago for the United States
saying it was his Christian duty. They never have forgotten how the American
soldiers called them “niggers;”or how
between 1899 and 1913 the United States of America for conquest sake, killed
more than 400000 Filipino fighters and more than a million Filipino civilians died
due to America’s scorched earth policy, intentional economic hardship, mass killings and vile murderous butchery (something still to this day, the U.S.
Government has not apologized for).
Obama also
has not paid attention to how popular the new President is and the extent to
which is policies have been well received by his electorate. In about four
months, Duterte's has already put in place new policies to tackle tax reform which includes cutting personal income taxes to 25% from 32% in an effort to help the middle class. The overall objective of
his 10-point economic agenda is to lift 10 million Filipinos from poverty by
2022. He has also put in place policy to help indigenous people displaced bymining and logging so that they can return to their ancestral lands and has
started a program of free medical checkups for the 20 million poorest Filipinos. Add to this his open commitment to provide free irrigation to
subsistence farmers, it is no wonder he is so popular. Even with the condemnation
from the international and western community, national data show his popularity
for his policy (even his drug policy) and presidency is extremely high. Then
there is the relationship I spoke of to begin with. Not only is he taking a
hand away from the U.S. and extending it towards China, he is now saying he
desires closer and more permanent ties with Russia. This would be worse that Duterte calling
Obama “son of a whore”, it would down right like a pimp slap.
Before the statement could be printed in the western press, Putin via
the Russia’s ambassador to the country promptly said Moscow was down and ready
to fully cooperate with Manila stating “Formulate your wish list. What kind of assistance do you expect from Russia and we will be ready to sit down with you and discuss what can and should be done.”
Some may say that this is another example of
Obama leading from behind. With all that
is going on from Yemen to Syria to the South Sudan and now the Philippines, it seems that the
presidents’ Asian policy is floundering and reflective of his approach to
foreign policy in general – doing something but not having a follow up plan to
carry out said policy. We have seen this
in Libya, in Syria, the Ukraine, South Sudan, Russia and now again with the
Philippines. The question is what will
U.S. relations with Manila be like in the future for our next president? Clearly Obama doesn’t care seeing that all he
does and has been doing is campaigning. To date, with the exception of a few
nations, Obama foreign policy (which I wrote about extensively in my book Nobel
Neocolonialism) is spiraling downward as well as alienating
form staunch U.S. allies. Regardless of what one says about President Duterte, the vast majority of Filipinos, Mr. Duterte’s passionate
outbursts, however crude and impolitic, see him as a strong and fearlessness leader
willing to take the actions required to back up his words and provide for his
citizenry, no matter how crude, abhorrent and inappropriate other perceive them
to be. Too bad we cannot say the same
about Obama.
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