In 1958, an obscure writer named Manning Johnson wrote a book titled “Color, Communism and Common Sense.” In it he described how the goal of Marxist and communist in America is to motivate racial tensions by using racial identity to divide America not to improve the condition of American Blacks but rather to obtain power and establish socialism In the United States. He wrote, the aim is to generate “doubt, lack of confidence, suspicion; setting up situations that bring about racial bitterness, violence and conflict” by “putting forth demands so unrealistic that race relations are worsened; attacking everybody in disagreement as reactionaries, Fascists”… white supremacist “and Uncle Toms.” The Marist accomplish this by using Black intellectuals whom they view as “shallow,” “superficial,” “phrase-mongers” and “incompetents” to promote “so-called progressive “designed not to help Blacks but rather engender race conflict and animosity.
Currently we see the
outcome of these historical efforts nightly across the city. The dissonance
with which progressive liberals and blacks accept these actions are both
disturbing and unproductive. First, they do not address any tangible problem
that we collectively need to address in house first and they are actions born
out of some feculent event that has cosmetic value only. This is intentional.
The fact is removing Confederate monuments or Statutes of Francis Scott Key,
Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and Vandalizing Civil war monuments in place
to honor Black Union troops or escaped slave and nurse Lucy Higgs Nichols.
Clearly this is not about correcting history but rather destroying it in the
same manner the Taliban does in Asia minor. If it was about history, then in
Wisconsin, the statute of abolitionist Colonel Hans Christian Heg would not
have been torn down or the statute of Ulysses Grant would not have been toppled
in San Francisco.
Unfortunately, these
are not the goals of a people collective complaining about injustice, but
rather the actions of a group of people who merely use color to accomplish more
deviant desires rooted in politics and power. Even if it requires violence and
instigating terror. Terrorism operationally speaking is the “unlawful use of
violence” and/or “intimidation especially against civilians in the pursuit of
political aims.” Thus, the actions we see in Portland, Rochester, Kenosha, New
York, Austin, Seattle and else where have nothing to do with the needs of Black
lives, but rather the political objectives of the feminist lesbian Marxist founders
of BLM and Antifa.
If you have not noticed,
Black Bloc Antifa has infiltrated the idea Black Lives Matter (not the
organization) as a cloak to promulgate unwarranted violence, property destruction
and economic misery under the shield of shouting that simple slogan. Albeit I
have no affinity for the BLM organization, one doesn’t need to be a cognitive neuroscientist
to accept that as a Black man I believe my life matter – no more or no less
than any other persons’ life. However, I was raised under the teachings of
Martin King Jr. and Malcom X, before and after his trip to Mecca, and as a
result always prefer peace unless some form of self-defense is required.
I find it comical
that young black folk would just toss privileged white rich kids and drug
addicts a pass to run rough shot over self-determination that doesn’t even
involve them. It is repeating what Malcom said about white liberal
progressives, that they see us as helpless dumb black folk that cannot
accomplish anything without their help. They are not the strategy and portend
no solution, just destruction that me and mine will not benefit from. Tearing
down a statue will do nothing to change the fact that 13 Baltimore high schools
had no students proficient in math, report says. One-third of high schools in
Baltimore, last year, had zero students proficient in math, with an additional six
schools only having one percent of their students who tested proficient in math.
Likewise, spray painting BLM on streets and buildings will do nothing to change
the fact that almost 70 percent of black children are born to unmarried parents.
This is trick because one of the goals of BLM is to “disrupt theWestern-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each
other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one
another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and
children are comfortable.” Notice how they do not mention fathers albeit it
would be reasonable to assume we need more fathers in our homes, neighborhoods,
communities and schools. When a child doesn't have a father in the home, they
are four times more like to have a greater risk of remaining in poverty and if
a girl, seven times more likely to become pregnant as a teen. Moreover, “Childrenin one-parent families also have lower grade point averages, lower college
aspirations, and poorer attendance records. As adults, they have higher rates
of divorce. These patterns persist even after adjusting for differences in
race, parents' education, number of siblings, and residential location.” Children raised in households without a father
are also more than twice as likely to be arrested for a juvenile crime, twice
as likely to receive treatment for behavioral and emotional problems and to be
expelled or suspended from school and a third more likely to drop out of high
This is just on the
surface and a key indicator why the BLM organization and its Antifa allies do
not have the best interest of Black people in mind. Since the death of George
Floyd, more than 30 people have been killed not in protes, but during the
looting, vandalism, arson and rioting. These events stopped being protest a
while back. At least after dark, because the protestors are not out destroying
the property of others and engaging in activities that may result in the injury
or death of another American citizen or human being.
Antifa as is the case with BLM the organization is not Pro-Black rather, they are anti-Black. Equally as accurate is Antifa as is the case with BLM the organization is not Pro-American rather, they are anti-American. Ask Jesse Barksdale of Kenosha, ask David Dorn, Steve Jamison or the hundreds of other black businesses destroyed mostly by white yong adult aged Antifa members. Just remember this before you find yourself on a limb you do not want to hang from. When I was a child, the KKK, also democrats wore white sheets and hoods. Now they are in all black, and scream Black lives matter, while calling black cops and non-supports who are black racial slurs. This is not American. This is not what we mean when we say Black lives matter. That’s why many of us do not say it and instead shout all lives mater in honor of the inclusivity we see this great nation as offering in an “effort to become a more perfect union,” and hold the appreciation of the wise words that we “will one day live in a nation where [we] will not be judged by the color of [our] skin but by the content of their character." There is little if any difference in what we see and are experiencing today with Antifa and the Nazi Brown Shirts of old.
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