Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Faux is an adjective which means not genuine, fake or false. Outrage is a noun which references a tremendously strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation. Journalism is also a noun which refers to the profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. On the surface and in fact it is obvious that neither of the two nouns should ever be preceded by the adjective faux, but in 2019 they are as common as coffee and cream or Kool-Aid and sugar. Recently it has been brought to the fore that Tucker Carlson (who in my opinion has the best opinion show on television) said some things in jest ten years ago that today has some upset. The question is for me, is this sincere and genuine or faux temperament?

I think this is as Shakespeare wrote, Much to Do About Nothing and I will attempt to explain why. First, what person hasn’t said something that has been perceived to be offensive by someone? Let alone something years past that was ignored for the cultural norms of the time in which they were said were no big deal? I find these attacks on Carlson, and the call for a boycott on his show’s advertisers threatening for all and even reflective of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism being a system of life and/or government that is dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state or central beliefs proffered by a mob majority that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. In this sense, totalitarianism is the antithesis of individual freedom. I find this frightening, hypocritical and inconsistent. Last, no person has the right not to be offended – NO ONE.

For example, if Tucker can be ruined for what he said ten years ago, why not hold rappers to the same standard. Snoop Dogg on Dr. Dre’s Bitches ain't shit stated and I quote: Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks, Lick on these nuts and suck the dick, Gets the fuck out after you're done. Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon all wore black face, with Kimmel pretending to be Karl Malone and Oprah Winfrey but there is no extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation. Then there is the founder of Media Matters for America President Angelo Carson racist and pejorative comments regarding transgender’s and people of color (I hate the term people of color). I would be inaccurate if I did not include the New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong who tweeted "Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men," “#cancelwhitepeople,” “White people have stopped breeding. you’ll all go extinct soon. that was my plan all along” and “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.” I would be remiss if I did not mention Joy Reids homophobic blog post and comments or CNN producer Delaney Strunk's and Matthew Yelgsias racist comments.

I understand some will consider me an apologist for bigotry, but I do not see it. This is not about conservative or liberal because I know many on both spectrums that see tweet and statement archeology as vile and a useless act unless one desires to punish one they disagree with.  The outrage isn’t real, and it is time people admit they just hate the targeted individuals’ beliefs and ideas. If it upsets you that someone uses the word faggot, or nigga, or calls someone an ass hole, then the problem is likely you. I have and continue to call folks ass holes because it is an apt description of cats that spew flatulence from their oral cavity in the form of nonsense in sentence form. Frankly, if it hurts their feelings I DO NOT GIVE A FCK. Moreover, it is clear the faux disdain is mainly from the east and west coast enclaves of liberal hypocrisy. If you see blue check twitter outrage cats like @GeorgeTakei [NY], @brianstelter [NY], Scott Dworkin [NY], @JuddLegum [DC], @joncoopertweets [NY], @justicedems [NY & DC], @tedlieu [CA], @JYSexton [NY but claims GA], Qasim Rashid [DC], MichaelSkolnik [UKN], & @zachheltzel [LA] are just a few who seem to have a problem. All I am saying you have no right to tell me or even deprive me of what I want to watch or read because you do not like it – change the channel.  But this is about the control of the idea space of what folks autocratically think others should not even be exposed to because they are smarter and know best and I speak of this first hand.

Recently I was banned from twitter because I responded to an underhanded tweet by Judd Legum suggesting Trump supporters were too dumb and stupid to understand their support. I did not appreciate this nor appreciate any white man telling this black man that he is in essence a dumb negro. So I sent him some some lyrics of one of my homeboy’s songs, Big Mota. Now mind you twitter allowed me to share tis video on YouTube many times but when I sent the lyrics to Judd they banned me for a week.  When I returned, one of my followers (@LikkleGalBigGun) asked what I did to get banned and I said in quotes, I sent this in response to a derogatory tweet to a white city boy: 'Faggot ass nigga bought his chain and went and made a diss It's extorting season pussy nigga, get in line Marquis don’t make me turn your block into a columbine If you disrespect a man, you get the consequences These niggas tell you anything for some damn attention.' Within a minute I was banned permanently.

This is not about Tucker Carlson but rather folks who are too afraid to debate or even listen to views different from theirs. They are cowards and would rather call one names like racist, bigot, islamaphobe or stupid than address facts. These cats do not care about what he said for their primary objective is to silence him by depriving him from being able to work. This is easy to do by finding innocuous nothings in the form of words to strike up partisan points.  Again, this is about thought. They want to tell you what to say and how you can say it. They want to tell you what tot think and how to think. These people do not respect our constitutional republic. This is why Thomas Jefferson wrote: “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.” He was correct I remain to count the days until this same unhinged mob begins to burn books, and best believe it is coming and soon and the day when we all dig up every word a cat anyone ever said will be the day we weaponize politics and validate the existence of thought crimes.


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Torrance T. Stephens. Powered by Blogger.

I am Author, Writer and Infectious Disease Scientist. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee.

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