Monday, March 11, 2019

I reckon it is about time I finally made my peace with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. By peace I mean saying what I truly think of this product of upscaled Westchester county New York. I really didn’t give her too much attention until recently. Sure, I laughed at her a lot, especially her lack of understanding of basic math and the political process. However, this week took the case when she attacked moderate Demokkkrats for not following her hook, line and sinker to vote the way she wanted them to vote on HR 1112, or what is called the "Charleston loophole" bill.  I won’t go into detail on the Bill, but I will discuss what AOC vehemently rejected to: A Republican amendment requiring that undocumented immigrants who try to buy guns be reported to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

From what I understand and have read from the mouth of AOC, she does not seem to understand the way votes are made by representatives, this is too say that they vote for their constituency and not those of the NY 14th District of which she represents. This aside from the fact that she thinks that the former bartender thinks that the three “chambers” of government are the “presidency, the congress and the house.” I say this because as stated previously, all those other representatives were elected by their constituents and are there to represent their interests, not AOC, the 14th District of New York or the Demokkkratic party.  I do not know how much it cost to get an education from Boston University, but her presence alone should make all parents leery of sending their children there.

AOC won her race with 16 percent voter turnout. This means that of the 700,000 living in her district, just 112,000 bothered to vote. This is far from a mandate let alone reflects a plurality of the district. Yet she parades around and behaves as if she is God’s gift to the world, righteous even. Yet when Demokkkrats from other districts had the gall to represent the views of the people that put them in office, she went to bully mode and threatened to place all moderates who did not vote for what she wanted on a list. Need I remind folk that it appears that if other representatives dare to represent their own states and their interests, not go along with her, she reduces herself to threats and the tactics of bullying. Bullying is to “seek to harm” (be voted out of office), or “intimidate, or coerce” another individual usually in a vulnerable and weaker position.

It also seems as if AOC takes the approximate 110,000 votes she did gain as a mandate to rule the nation. I also imagine that that Boston University education provided the self-proclaimed democratic socialist no instruction in history. Specifically, history of how communism was started and implemented in places the likes of China, Russia and North Korea and equally the results of these nations. This is frightening, for if she is an accurate representation of young pampered, self-absorbed, spoiled and easily offended by words Americans today, we will be a dead nation before the twelve years (which we have seen before) in which she proclaims the world will end because of cow farts and hamburger eating. Another history lessen she should revisit is that of Joe McCarthy. It was he in a similar tone, in the 1950’s who stated: In the 1950's Joe McCarthy proclaimed, "I have a list of 200 communists in the state department." The question to be asked next is, you find yourself will there be another list. This is the socialist communist way and once you are on a list, next thing you know you will have the thought police knocking at your door in the middle of the night.

Now back to the amendment to the bill. Why even have more extensive background checks on firearm sales if it excludes notifying any law enforcement authorities if an alarm goes off during the background check? If she was serious about this bill, this would be of singular importance, otherwise, she doesn’t really care and exhibits that her true intention is abolish gun ownership for all Americans – that is except for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrant gun ownership matters.  Likewise, it appears that laws that deny US citizens Second Amendment rights should be enforced while illegal immigrants are encouraged to break laws by crossing our borders uninhibited.

These are just a few of my concerns. I couldn’t understand the Green New Deal after reading it several times because it read like something my 13-year-old daughter would write – logic and objectives included. From giving money to those un-willing to work to cow fart control and trains to Europe so we can get rid of all airplanes. Notwithstanding it is written as if all the other nations will do the same and will suddenly scrap their Air Forces, so we can all live happily ever after. Add to this ending having children (maybe therefore she and her kind are okay with murdering babies once out of the womb if their mother decides such for any reason. Then we get back to math.  The problem with renewables is that we cannot store wind or solar energy and if there is no sun or wind there is no energy. Add to this it is estimated that there is not enough land (or silver) in America to generate enough solar power for our needs or room for wind turbines to generate enough power for our needs, all we will end up doing is burning more wood (deforrestation) and killing all of the native species of birds in The U.S.

I do not know if AOC believes what she says. What I do know is that a sovereign nation without borders and mass immigration will be impossible to provide free healthcare, housing and a basic income to all. Eventually resources meet their peak breaking point.  AOC is a socialist, but always remember, socialism is merely the intermediary step before full communism.


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Torrance T. Stephens. Powered by Blogger.

I am Author, Writer and Infectious Disease Scientist. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee.

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