Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Speaking on liberal
progressive Democrats, Malcom X once stated: "The white Liberal differs
from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful,
more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White
Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend
and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the
White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political
football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the
White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political
football." From this statement one can decipher two things: 1] that Malcom
X had no love or respect for the progressive liberal left of American politics
and 2] in many respect, he viewed Blacks who did in the similar vein as
mindless serfs being conditioned to accept without question as their slave
ancestors did.
What is ironic is what he
spoke that day in 1963 is the present reality for Black America. In just 30
years, the Democratic Party has morphed into some sort of Star Trek space
anomaly. When Clinton was President as well as Obama, border protection and building walls along the border was all the rage.
Presently it is not and the new bevy of the Democratic mind meld are in lock
step to make sure open borders are the future of America. Why? Because the Democrats
are fighting for illegal aliens and have become more valuable to their ability
to acquire and maintain power, that they have replaced African Americans on
their hierarchy of political social
Everywhere one looks
Blacks are taken a second place behind illegal immigrants. One of the biggest
places we see this is in the criminal justice system. Take California for example.
Since the late 1980s, activist in California were trying to obtain government
funding to assist in reducing over crowing in jails and hire more public defenders. The funding was never
available according to law makers. The tune is different today because funding
is being cut for public defenders in California while inordinate funds are
being found to protect the rights of criminal illegal aliens. Last year in
California, lawmakers approved $45 million to expand legal services for
immigrants to assist more than 2 million people living in the state illegally
and to protect them from deportations. Two years before that, the state put in
place a “sanctuary state” bill to expand “sanctuary city policies, prohibiting
state and local law enforcement agencies, including school police and security
departments, from using resources to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect
or arrest people for immigration enforcement purposes.”
This is happening all across the country. Recently in Denver
Mayor Michael Hancock announced plans to set aside hundreds of thousands of
dollars to form an immigrant legal defense program and similar efforts are
being introduced in San Francisco and Seattle. In Washington State a bill was
just passed that prohibits discrimination by employers and landlords “based on
citizenship or immigration status.” As one writer and radio host put it: “In
other words, if an employer had two equally-qualified candidates to choose from
— one a citizen and one an illegal immigrant who had been deported several
times — and the employer hired the citizen, this could be grounds for a lawsuit
on the immigrant’s behalf…Under Washington state law, they would have the right
to a cause of action against that employer if they were discriminated against
because of their legal status...Now federal law might come in
and have something to say about that, but this is what Washington state law
would say.”
I do not mind helping
people but I do expect US citizens should come first. In California, Blacks are
suffering yet are being ignored. Although Black people in California are just 9
percent of the population of Los Angeles County, yet are nearly 40 percent of the homelessness. The same is true for San Francisco. The research results are
startling. While 5 to 6 percent of San Francisco’s population is black, more
than 40 percent of the city’s homeless population is black.
Albeit I am focused on
race, on the micro level, on the macro level all American citizens loose when
our resources are not used for the tax payers that provide them. Clearly
Democrats have other interest than serving the people born in America, and have
all but relegated the Black vote to side chick status, fact is US policy should
focus on US citizens and the working men and women who want access to
opportunity and a safe place to live. This is only possible if we address
illegal immigration. Economically, it has been estimated that Illegal
immigration costs taxpayers in all 50 states approximately $90 billion. In
California it cost $12.3 billion to educate the children of illegal immigrants
annually in grades K-12.
The progressive focus on
taking care of criminal illegal aliens severely impacts outcomes for the worse
in the African American community. First most illegal aliens come to America
with very few years of schooling. This means they will likely end up in
low-paying wage jobs. Not only will this put them in competition with poor
blacks in the US with similar educational attributes but also other immigrants
who came to the US before them. Thus with a larger pool of low skilled workers,
wages will go down because there will be a surplus of workers to jobs. This
point was hammered by then-chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Immigration
Reform, the late great Barbara Jordan of Texas in 1994 when she testified
before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. She stated: "Unlawful immigration
is unacceptable. … Failure to develop more effective strategies to curb
unlawful immigration has blurred distinctions between legal and illegal
immigrants. ... The Commission is particularly concerned about the impact of
immigration on the most disadvantaged within our already resident society —
inner city youth, racial and ethnic minorities, and recent immigrants who have
not yet adjusted to life in the U.S."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, recently said that "We are a
nation and land of laws, not just [one where] some people are subject to laws
and others are not." This maybe the only time to date I have agreed with
her. However, I wonder why this isn’t the standard with respect illegal immigration? Because Black people are not reproducing enough
to provide them with the unconditional and unearned votes we give them. Through
democratic supported eugenic genocide in the form of abortions and Planned Parenthood, Blacks just do have as many children as the used to. And if
democrats get their way for a mother to be able to decide to murder a child
after it has been born, our population will really start to evaporate. This is
one reason why AOC support people not having more children – just bring them
over from 2000 miles below the Mexican border already made. Yes, in 2019, Liberals
side with illegal immigrants over Blacks born in America, for criminal illegal
aliens are the new black.
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