Critical race theory, toxic masculinity and systemic racism are as real as the Easter Bunny, Leprechauns or Alf. All are fake, made-up non-existent fabrications of some wandering mind. The first three are inherently evil and grotesque and are just as nebulous as constructs created by Carl Jung or Sigmund Freud. These concepts go against all that I was taught and believe with respect to fairness, equity, liberty, justice and equal rights under the law. It is impractical for me to scientifically accept that it is possible to gauge and judge a person’s character and all associated outcomes they may experience or express based on immutable artifacts including but not limited to the color of one’s skin and sex. We do not select what race or sex we are prior to being born and frankly it is disgusting to even assert, without empirical and objective scientific support, that the solution to all social ills is to degrade a persons sense of identity because of their race and/or sex. This is an idiotic supposition – point, blank, period.
will go out on a limb and bet you that the rest of the world (China, Russia,
Turkey, India) are not taking this path and are laughing at our nation’s
progressive liberal bent and desire for self-destruction. Going even farther, I
would purport they are asking themselves; what is this systemic racism critical
race theory dumb shit? The reason why they would never practice such is because
they value science and fact over sophistry and emotion. The entire premise from
my understanding of these theistic based philosophies are anti-American, anti-white,
anti-man and pro-discriminatory. My entire life I have railed against people
that judged entire groups of people by the color of their skin, how they talk,
or who they select to have sex with. I was raised during segregation in Memphis in the 1960s and saw first hand the sadism and cruelity of intentional bigotry. It
is no different than a person asserting that all black males who wear hoodies
are thugs, or that all women that dress expressly in an over sexual manner are
thots or whores. I despise stereotyping and it seems to me that you can’t
defeat stereotyping and discrimination by discriminating and stereotyping. This
singularly undermines the primary groundwork and foundation of the United
States of America – that all men (and women) are created equal and endowed as
such by God, not another human being with a political agenda to push (such as those
that espouse critical race theory and systemic racism) in their Zoroastrian
search of a Fourier eutopia in some Potemkin village far, far away from
This is one of the reasons’ I support President Trump. It is not a main reason, but it is important to do all in our collective power to maintain and preserve American history and our way of life as opposed incessantly trying to toss it down some memory hole. But there are more important reasons I have factored to direct my support to the President. Most importantly for me is policy. Need I remind folk that this is politics not emotitics – policy first and emotions never. In addition, its all fact based and has nothing to do with party or personality.
will begin with what it is I hold disdain for with respect to Joe Biden. Although
there are many things that rub me the wrong way about the nearly 48 years of Joe Biden’s political outcome, one of the most egregious was how he and former
President Obama addressed Black incarceration. Sure, we know about the 1994
Omnibus Crime Bill, but few of us ever discuss the case of Curtis McGhee and
Terry Harrington in McGhee v. Pottawattamie County, Ia., 475 F. Supp. 2d 862.
It pertained to two African American men wrongly imprisoned for 25 years who filed
a lawsuit against prosecutors for fabricating evidence against them. The
question was basically, do U.S. citizens who have been framed by unprincipled
prosecutors for crimes they did not commit have a right to sue the prosecutors
when the scheme is eventually exposed? The Obama/Biden administration said no
and sent Solicitor General Elena Kagan to argue a friend of the court brief
that any prosecutors must have absolute immunity from citizen lawsuits even if it
includes actions considered to be illegal (fabricating incriminating evidence
and hiding exculpatory evidence ) that result in innocent people being
incarcerated. But this only makes sense seeing Joe Biden has described Blacks
as “predators” incapable of rehabilitation and has been on record stating “What
it says is, ‘In order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes, and
dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my
blond-haired, blue-eyed son.’ That’s racist!”
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 and his crime bill remains a concern presently. The
latter not only created 60 new death penalty offenses under 41 federal capital
statutes, it also got rid of education funding for incarcerated students,
effectively gutting prison education efforts against success of such programs
as noted in the scientific literature. To claim that he is a man of the poor
and middle class is another farce given his actions earlier in this century
including advocating for bankruptcy and credit card reforms that hurtlow-income consumers via the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer
Protection Act (BAPCPA) was passed in April, 2005. I could go on but now to why
I will support Trump.
Number one, in attitude and effort, he reminds this Black man of himself. I also like the fact that he is taking on being tech and their desire to Big Brother the world via constant censoring of views they disagree with and de-platforming. It is completely against what Tunis Wortman described in his book A Treatise, concerning political enquiry and the Liberty of the Press and James Madison’s Charters written in 1792. Wortman wrote: “Of all the rights which can be attributed to man, that of communicating his sentiments is the most sacred and inestimable.” Prtecting the Bill of Rights is paramount in myy world view, as well as sustaing world peace, as the President has achieved with his Serbian/Kosovo economic normalization agreement that will go a long way towards solving this seemingly incessant conflict in the Balkans, as his historic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
wise, safe communities, great jobs, reinvesting in US manufacturing by bring
vital supply chain industries back home is very important to me if we truly
want to end our reliance on china, In my purview, all of these will go a long
way to grow American jobs and wages. I also support his aim to end all
sanctuary cities and using or federal government safety net for US citizens, Blacks
folk born here only, or at least before illegal aliens. He has also kept his
promise to keep us out of endless senseless wars, to bring our troops back and
support our right to keep and bear arms.
has already started building the barrier of other Southern border, signed into
law a bill that will end surprise medical billing and require price
transparency, signed an Executive Order to cut the price of prescription drugs,
promoted school choice and provided permanent funding to HBCUs which this
Morehouse graduate appreciates.
I fully back President Donald John Trump for these and many reasons I did not
feel like articulating in sentence form. Trump over any trick the Demokkkrats
trot out any day.
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