Friday, May 3, 2019

In its insatiable desire to be the wokest in the moment, the progressive left has morphed into a combination of ‘whitey” and the brain and the PC principle of South Park. It is so common place now that they don’t realize how through their double standards that they are revealing their true colors. Imagine for example if a white person said the following:  "This is not going to be the country of [Black] people.” Would this be acceptable? Would this be considered racist or xenophobic? It sure it would be. However, this was not said by a white person, but rather an immigrant refuge named Ilhan Omar and instead of black she used the word white.  Maybe it is no big deal to many but for me, as a black man tired of bigotry and racism regardless of its source, it is a major concern. I hate stereotypes and the collective assignment of categorization over the individual. But this is typical of the virtue signaling, divide and conquer political approach of the left in the United States of America presently. It is as if this is the only thing they can think of or concern themselves with.
As a man born in the segregated South, I can honestly say racism isn’t as bad as many proclaim nor is it as institutional as many desires to believe. If such was the case, all races would be subjugated via the existence of the white Eurocentric political and power structure singularly, but they are not. Take descendants of Asia born in the U.S. including but not limited to Koreans, Indians, Chinese, Koreans and the Japanese.  They too have a history somewhat similar but not the same as slavery. The Japanese could not buy land in in many states and were even interned. The same can be said for the Chinese at the turn of the century. However, these groups do way better in economic and educational outcomes that whites or blacks. Racism would not allow such an outcome on behalf of white benefit if it was a true factor in present day outcomes related to systemic power and oppression. What can be stated is that in these groups, out of wedlock birth is lower and the value of education is higher, as it was for blacks after slavery and during segregation.
Being woke leads to such irrational and spurious conclusions when made in the absence of evidence and data. We see the same when the left harps on Islamophobia and gay rights. On the one had you say to state anything negative about radical Islamic fundamentalist is Islamophobic and xenophobic, yet you paint all white people collectively for the sins of their pigmentation and history and all blacks as being so dumb that we cannot succeed in America because we are black. At the same time with respect to Islamic fundamentalist, claim to be in support of gay rights while ignoring that in Islam being gay is punishable by death historically and presently. Just last week, the Saudi government executed 37 men including many for alleged homosexual acts. But to say this fact is wrong and is considered blatant islamophobia when facts outline this is evident.
Even noting the fact that Ilhan Omar gave a speech at a fundraising event with Hassan Shibly, who is on record for extreme anti-Semitic views against Jews and is the lawyer for Hoda Muthana, a New Jersey–born woman who married an ISIS fighter and in writing has proclaimed her adherence to the Islamic State, is an attack on all Muslims albeit specific individuals are named. This is the issue democrats will have to address - how their double standards and inconsistent logic show that they are not truly concerned about the issues of identity they proclaim to signal support for.
Do not think I am picking on Omar because I am not. Let us take Elizabeth Warren to task equally. The announced Democrat presidential candidate recently penned and op-ed in which she too proclaimed and outlined a serious issue in existence – black female mortality. However, her rationale for the outcome in her view was racism without evidence. Warren promulgated that the reason that “Black women are three to four times more likely than white women to die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes” was mainly due to Racism. My query was why not sexism? American Medical Association data show that more than 85 percent of obstetricians and gynecologists are women. Moreover, data indicates that “ob-gyns had the highest proportion of underrepresented minorities (combined, 18.4%), especially black (11.1%) and Hispanic (6.7%) physicians” and that “underrepresented minority ob-gyns were more likely than white or Asians to practice in federally funded underserved areas or where poverty levels were high. In fact, among adult medical specialists, greater racial and ethnic diversity is found among obstetrician-gynecologists (ob-gyns).” The more astonishing fact is that black women are more than 10 times more likely to have a black female ob-gyn than a white one, 18 more times than having a white male one. Again, not supported by fact or math.
The double standards continue with regards to other issues equally. On immigration for example, progressives appear to care more about illegal migrants than homeless and poor minorities born in America. It is as if they want an immigration policy for immigrants first versus one that benefits U.S. citizens first. They do this disingenuously also by conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration. They run cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles which are reflective of their policies that result in mass homelessness, failing government public schools and streets littered with syringes and feces.
Another example is abortion. Progressives openly claim to be the party of science but consider a baby in the womb a clump of cells (which anatomy, biology and even ultra-sounds refute) when they are actual human beings. Just this week, an Alabama democrat state lawmaker defended abortion by saying "Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or kill them later." This is a pervasive view for these same people advocate for gun control because guns kill but since Roe V. Wade, there have been about 1.5 million deaths because of guns but 60 million due to abortion. But if you support any views in the opposite of liberals, they attempt to silence you and deplatform you.  I know, I have been permanently banned from twitter.
I would hope that facts would be more valuable than the incessant claims of racism that progressives incessantly spew. Sure, racism exist, and it will always exist, but it is not as bad as the left projects. Fact is you will never ever be able to get rid of all racism or individual racist beliefs no more than you can eliminate all murder. This quest for eutopia is delusional and sociopathic. I just want to be treated as a unique individual with my own personal agency, not as a group, for I am an individual first rather than a part of a monolith.


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Torrance T. Stephens. Powered by Blogger.

I am Author, Writer and Infectious Disease Scientist. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee.

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