few weeks ago I read Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump assert that President Barack Obama was the founder, or creator of ISIS. I just wanted to
say for the record, I could not let this mistruth, as any mistruth stated by a
politician regardless of party, pass without clarifying the record. What Mr.
Trump forgets is that ISIS started long before Obama was President and in my
view if we really want to know the deal, on its founding, birth or creation, we
must go back to the Iraq war more than twelve years ago, under the Presidency
of Bush 43.
history has shown, the current leader of what we call ISIS is Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry, a man we
now refer to as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. What is
known about him before proclaiming himself the leader of DAESH is that in early
2004 he was housed in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. U.S. Defense Department
reports note that coalition forces first captured Baghdadi on February 4, 2004,
in Fallujah, Iraq. After the fiasco at Abu Ghraib, he was transferred to Camp. Bucca,
located some 400 miles south of Baghdad in the southern
town of Garma along the Kuwait border. It held some of the most radical extremists of the war.
One could argue that the procreation of what we now call
the Islamic state begin when Camp Bucca was created and birthed during the peak of the Iraq troop surge in 2007 at a time when
Bucca contained 24,000 – 28,000 inmates. It held both Sunnis and Shiites, who
were separated because moderate Sunnis and extreme Sunnis and Shiites were at
odds with one another. All and anyone
who coalition forces figured look like the enemy or in the area of any type of
bombing or sniper fire were rounded up in mass, in particular military-aged males, without due process
since few if any U.S, military personnel spoke Arabic and all in general were
incapable of distinguishing enemies for friendlies.
facilities like Bucca played a major part in the rise of the Islamic State. After
the Bush administration’s policy of de-baathfication, what Bucca did was allow
these individuals to link up with members of Saddam Hussein's
ousted regime and develop new relationships. First it was unique, for as many have reported, it allowed
for former Baathist secularists to get
to know Islamist fundamentalists, both of which had nothing but hatred for the
West and the U.S. Being once in politics and/or the military, the former Baathists
provide jihadists with public relations, organizational and military skills. In
the other side the jihadist were able to instill something to fight for in the former
government ruling class of Iraq before the U.S. invasion and occupation. Some
have estimated that nearly 90 percent of those freed from Bucca and other
facilities returned to the battlefield to fight against coalition forces.
Like in America, prison served as a
college or university for Islamic fundamentalism and jihadist training. In the long run, it would be these hardcore
jihadists and former Iraqi military officials
who would eventually become the leadership of the Islamic State. While Bucca, Sharia
Law was instituted by radical extremist and fundamentalist which by some
reports, even included gouging out eyes
or cutting out their tongues for anti-Islamic behaviors considered to be
Western in origin. A story reported by Al Jazeera based
on first had reports suggested that jihadist were able to build relations and
network in ways they would have never been able to do outside of Camp Bucca and
that hard core extremist were able to radicalize other inmates and even give courses
using the resources of the prison to teach inmates how to make explosives, and
carry out suicide bombings. This is the start of what we currently refer to as
the Islamic State and this was up to the year 2008, all of which was under the tutelage
of George W. Bush.
Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi was not the only high profile prisoner detained at Bucca. Another
was a former Iraqi military official who became head of the Islamic State’s
military council named Hajji Bakr and the future official
spokesperson and a senior leader of the Islamic State Taha Subhi Falaha,
commonly called Abu Muhammad al-Adnani al-Shami. Others included al-Baghdadi's deputy Abu Muslimal-Turkmani, Abu Abdulrahman al-Bilawi, the military leader responsible for
planning the seizure of Mosul and the founder of the Syrian Al Qaeda affiliate
al-Nusra Front, Abu Mohammad al-Julani.
This is the plan they (Obama, Clinton, NATO and the West)
have on deck for Assad and Syria as evidenced by leaked emails between Sidney Blumenthal
and Obama’s Secretary of State. Like Libya, Syria’s Central Bank is state-owned & isn’t controlled IMF
(International Monetary Fund), has no IMF debt and more importantly maintains immense
oil and gas reserves. Plus, being the
only secular Muslim states in the Middle East, this gets in the way of the West divide and Conquer
modus operandi. The first and last may be even more important than the two in
the middle.
Obama is protecting Al-Nusura, Al Qaeda and ISIS-ISIL-Daesh by using the US Airforce to provide cover on behalf of
terrorists invading a sovereign nation state for the reasons I stated
above: it has nothing to do with
protecting the citizens of Syria because if such was the case, the Obama
Administration would bomb Saudi Arabia and protect the citizens of Yemen, whom the
Saudi’s are slaughtering with U.S. supplied planes, weapons, cluster bombs and
White Phosphorus.
Although it was the Bush administration
with the assistance of Dick Cheney,
Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz that broaden the idea
of birthing terrorist organizations to fight U.S. wars under the name of freedom
fighters, Obama took it to another level.
Up until 2014,
the Islamic State (ISIS) was called al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). What President
Obama breast fed with guns and intelligence, Al Nusra (an al Qaeda affiliate)
is overnight called the “Moderate Opposition” and even worse, “The Free
Syrian Army.”
Either way it goes and regardless of
what we call them, both are supported covertly by US intelligence and are
merely malignancies of the same tumor – the Islamic State. Yes, Obama has got
both his titties working: one for ISIS and the other for Al Nusra.
bottom line is that Mr. Trump is incorrect, it was the Bush Administration: specifically
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,
and Paul Wolfowitz. Obama did however, take the infant
into his bosom and feed them when he took office. Now he and the rest of the
West (many reluctantly) wants to place the blame what is happening in Syria at
the feet of Russia when in actuality it is a consequence of Obama’s foreign policy (or lack of) of aiding Syrian jihadists which
has resulted in the intentional devastation of Syria, the massive migration
crisis and the inordinate death toll of the nation’s civilian population. Thus distinguishing
between the FSA and al-Nusra is impossible, because they are virtually the same
organization. Taking it a step further, it could be argued strongly that the moderate
Free Syria Army is just a cover for al-Qaeda
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