Friday, June 2, 2017

I thought I couldn’t see anything more ridiculous in the form of behaviors evinced by the progressive left since the election of Donald Trump. Personally, I thought I had seen it all, the entire range of everything running from pure vitriolic hatred and ‘soreloserness’ to overt and utter contempt and even fear of what his election appears to mean for them.  But I was wrong.

This past week Trump kept a campaign pledge. On the stump, he said he would pull the U.S. out of the Paris Accords and as a man of his word, he did. Upon which, you would have thought that he fired every teacher in Baltimore or put up ten thousand confederate monuments or even poisoned the water of all the residents of Flint, Michigan and threatened them with foreclosure if they did not pay for water they could not bathe in or drink. I use these as examples because all of them are real and current events that should have the attention of all Americans regardless of political affiliation because they touch the very fabric of compassion and genuine concern for our fellow citizens.  But no, this makes too much since so contrived outrage must suffice in the name of disagreement for disagreement sake.

There once was time when democrats looked out for the small man, but those days have been long gone.  They ended with the rise of the corporatist liberal democrat – the Bill and Hillary Clinton’s (net worth= +$250 million), the Rep. John Delaney’s (net worth = +$91.6 million), Nancy Pelosi’s (net worth = +$29.3 million), the Mark Warner’s (net worth = $90.8million), the Dianne Feinstein’s (net worth = +$52.7), the Richard Blumenthal’s (net worth = +$66.9 million) and yes, even the Obama’s of the nation (net worth= +$24.5 million). So for this coterie of politician, it is not unusual for big global efforts to take precedence over local and national concerns. They speak loudly about Trump ending the Paris accord as known and signed by President Obama but seem to not be interested in the thousands of citizens of Flint still dealing with exorbitant levels of lead contamination in their tap water making it unsafe for them to drink or that homeowners are being told that if they do not pay for water unsafe to drink or use, the Democratic city government will put liens on their properties. If they are unable to pay, they may lose their homes. This isn’t as outrageous as Paris.

Therefore, I cannot comprehend why withdrawing from the Paris Accord is such a lightning rod.  Not that it impacts anyone personally, just for the mere fact Donald Trump did it and that it was undoing what their favorite politician of all time – President Obama had put in place. This is typical of the cognitive dissonance the left has been displaying since last November. For example, Democratic Mayor Catherine Pugh of Baltimore has stated that she's considering removing Confederate statues from the city following what the democratic leadership in New Orleans just did.  Not because her citizens and electorate asked her, but because she thinks it is cool. Albeit it will be at a cost of about $200,000 a statute to tear them down. This is not the point of confusion. Although this seems to have the Mayor’s attention, school officials just informed 115 Baltimore City staff members that they will be laid off in the next few weeks. These include school guidance counselors, librarians, assistant principals and classroom teachers. The Baltimore City Public School system presently has a $130 million budget gap to fill. Ironic isn’t it, Baltimore can find money to take down statues and send them down a memory hole but can’t find the loot to keep needed educators in a school system that is one of the poorest performing school districts in the nation and serves some of the poorest children in the USA.

Now I expected that former Obama Administration cats would vehemently hate on Trump’s decision which was clear from tweets by the likes of Dan Pfeiffer, Susan Rice and Cody Keenan. I also anticipated that trick azz world leaders would also complain, also as evidenced by the tweets of Nicola Sturgeon, Prime Minister of Denmark Lars Rasmussen, former Mexican president Vincente Fox and others. What surprised me was seeing every black negro progressive liberal democrat this side of the moon express a similar emotionally uninformed deportment. Now nothing wrong with that, but the reality is that 99% of both groups (politicians and black folk in America, ain’t never even read the Paris Agreement.  Honestly, I haven’t read the entire agreement, but rather just the UN background document on the agreement. So, I don’t know what is exactly in it and as such will not address such.

This is another reason I find this fervid outrage comical, cats aligning with the Paris Agreement and don’t know what the fck the accord is even about. What I do know is that America must dole out a large chunk of chump change to get this Paris party started and where there is free loot, the people will not benefit but you can best believe big corporate interests are looking to get their slimy paws on the billions in incentives and subsidies guaranteed in the accord to develop green energy sources. In my opinion, we could use that money elsewhere.  For example, over the past year, the homeless population in Los Angeles County is 23% than it was in 2016. More worrisome is that the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority reported a 61% increase in homeless youth compared to 2016. This even though the Democratic leadership of the city promised to spend $138 million on homelessness this year (which thus far has proven to me a windfall for big real estate).

Again, these are the people loudly upset and pained with Trump for removing the U.S. from the Paris Accord. Yet they are cool with a growing homeless population in their midst and seem to never have money for black people in jails who need access to public defenders but can find money out of nowhere to fund a plus $10million legal defense fund for illegal criminal immigrants facing deportation.

So, call me what you will, I have no problem with, nor see anything wrong with Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord. So, we won’t be giving millions too oil rich nations to help them at the expense of other poor nations. The way I see it, Fck Paris, give me Flint, Baltimore, Los Angeles or any other American city any day. I guess my comportment is unacceptable for the Liberal Progressives – actually putting American's first.


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I am Author, Writer and Infectious Disease Scientist. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee.

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